German Blue Ram: A Colorful and Peaceful Cichlid for Your Aquarium

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By Vance Bates

If you are looking for a stunning and friendly fish to add to your freshwater tank, you might want to consider the German Blue Ram. This cichlid is known for its vibrant colors, peaceful temperament, and easy care. German Blue Ram, including its appearance, behavior, tank requirements, diet, breeding, and more. By the end of this post, you will be ready to welcome this beautiful fish into your aquarium.

What is a German Blue Ram?

The German Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) is a type of cichlid that originates from the Orinoco River basin in South America. It is also known by other names, such as the Blue Ram, the Butterfly Cichlid, the Asian Ram, and the Ramirezi. The German Blue Ram is a popular choice among aquarists because of its striking appearance and peaceful nature. It is one of the smallest cichlids, growing up to 3 inches (7.6 cm) in length, and can live up to 4 years in captivity

What is a German Blue Ram?

The German Blue Ram has a unique color pattern that makes it stand out in any tank. It has a yellow and blue body, with a black vertical stripe across its eye and a black spot on its side. It also has red patches on its belly, fins, and eyes. The male and the female are similar in color, but the male has a longer dorsal fin and a more pointed tail. The female also has a pink spot on her belly, which becomes more visible when she is ready to breed.

How to Care for a German Blue Ram?

The German Blue Ram is not a very demanding fish, but it does require some specific conditions to thrive. Here are some of the main factors you need to consider when caring for a German Blue Ram.

Tank Size and Setup

The German Blue Ram is a small and active fish, so it needs enough space to swim and explore. A 20-gallon (80-liter) tank is the minimum size for a pair of German Blue Rams, but a larger tank is recommended if you want to keep more than two or add other tank mates. The tank should have a tight-fitting lid, as these fish can jump out of the water.

The German Blue Ram prefers a planted tank with plenty of hiding places, such as driftwood, rocks, caves, and ornaments. The plants provide shade, oxygen, and cover for the fish, while the decorations create a natural and comfortable environment. The substrate should be soft and fine, such as sand or gravel, to avoid injuring the fish’s delicate fins and scales.

Tank Size and Setup

Water Parameters

The German Blue Ram is a tropical fish, so it needs warm and clean water to stay healthy. The ideal water temperature for the German Blue Ram is between 78 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit (25 and 29 degrees Celsius). The water pH should be slightly acidic, between 6.0 and 7.0, and the water hardness should be low, between 3 and 10 dGH. The water quality should be maintained by performing regular water changes, at least 25% every week, and using a good filter that can provide both mechanical and biological filtration.

Diet and Feeding

The German Blue Ram is an omnivorous fish, meaning it eats both plant and animal matter. In the wild, it feeds on small insects, worms, crustaceans, and algae. In captivity, it can be fed a variety of foods, such as flakes, pellets, frozen, and live foods. Some of the best foods for the German Blue Ram are bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex, and spirulina. The German Blue Ram should be fed once or twice a day, in small portions that it can consume within a few minutes. Overfeeding should be avoided, as it can cause health problems and water pollution.

German blue ram lifespan

The German blue ram is a small and colorful freshwater fish that can live up to 3-4 years in captivity. However, their lifespan depends on various factors, including water quality, diet, tank size, tank mates, and breeding. To increase the chances of your German blue rams living longer and healthier, provide them with optimal conditions and care. Here are some tips on how to do that.

How to Breed German Blue Rams?

The German Blue Ram is a monogamous and parental fish, meaning it forms a lifelong pair and cares for its offspring. Breeding German Blue Rams can be a rewarding and fun experience, but it requires some preparation and attention. Here are some of the steps you need to follow to breed German Blue Rams successfully.

Selecting a Pair

The first step is to select a healthy and compatible pair of German Blue Rams. You can either buy a proven pair from a reputable breeder or let the fish choose their own mate from a group of juveniles. The latter option may take longer, but it ensures a stronger bond between the pair. You can tell if the fish are a pair by observing their behavior. A pair will swim together, display their colors, and chase away other fish from their territory.

Setting up a Breeding Tank

The next step is to set up a separate breeding tank for the pair. The breeding tank should be at least 10 gallons (40 liters) in size and have the same water parameters as the main tank, including a heater, filter, sponge, and air stone. It should be decorated with plants, rocks, and a flat surface for the fish to lay their eggs, such as a piece of slate, a ceramic tile, or a large leaf.

Spawning and Hatching

The spawning process usually takes place in the morning, after a water change. The pair will clean the chosen spawning site and then start laying and fertilizing the eggs. The female can lay up to 200 eggs, which are adhesive and stick to the surface. The pair will guard and fan the eggs, and remove any unfertilized or fungus-infected ones. The eggs will hatch in about 48 hours, and the fry will remain attached to the spawning site for another 5 days, until they absorb their yolk sacs.

Raising the Fry

The fry will become free-swimming after 5 days, and the parents will move them to a pre-dug pit in the substrate. The parents will continue to protect and care for the fry, and even carry them in their mouths if they sense danger. The fry should be fed with infusoria, baby brine shrimp, or microworms, several times a day. The fry will grow quickly and develop their colors in about 4 weeks. At this point, they can be moved to a grow-out tank or sold to other hobbyists.


The German Blue Ram is a wonderful fish to keep in your freshwater aquarium. It is colorful, peaceful, and easy to care for. It can also breed in captivity, giving you the opportunity to witness the fascinating behavior of these cichlids. If you are interested in keeping German Blue Rams, make sure you provide them with the proper tank conditions, diet, and tank mates. With the right care, you will enjoy the beauty and personality of these fish for years to come.


Are German Blue Rams aggressive?

German Blue Rams are peaceful cichlids, but can be feisty during mating season.

Why are German Blue Rams difficult to keep?

German Blue Rams are difficult to keep because they are sensitive to water conditions and diseases.

How many German Blue Rams should be kept together?

German Blue Rams should be kept in pairs or small groups, with one pair per 10 gallons of water.

What fish can live with German Blue Rams?

Some fish that can live with German Blue Rams are:
Kuhli loaches
Neon tetras.

Can blue rams live with guppies?

Yes, blue rams and guppies are peaceful fish that can coexist in a community tank. They have similar water and dietary needs.

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